
wilson McCoy

Dr. Wilson McCoy (M.Div., D.Min.) currently lives in Lebanon, Tennessee where he serves as Associate Minister at the College Hills Church of Christ. He also served churches in Tennessee, Texas, and Australia before arriving at this congregation. Over the last decade with his current church he has served in young adult ministry, small groups, adult education, and preaching. He has also worked to create more of an intergenerational emphasis in the life of this congregation. One central way he did this was through his doctoral work, which he completed with Lipscomb University in 2016.

Wilson’s focus for his project focused on the intergenerational reading of Scripture. He explored the formative impact of reading the Bible with people of different ages. His work in this area has equipped him to work with congregations and conferences around the world to cultivate more intergenerational rhythms in the life of other local churches. To find out more about his work, read his chapter in Intergenerate: Transforming Churches through Intergenerational Ministry (2018).

Wilson’s two favorite people in the world are his wife Jessica and his daughter Everly. They love to travel to the beach, take walks in their local park, and have water days in the backyard. If Wilson has any free time after that, then you will likely find him writing, experimenting in the kitchen, listening to Wilco, or going on a run to counter all the time in the kitchen.