wednesday, May 26, 2pm
choose from these workshops and papers

If you choose the Enhanced or Team registration, you’ll also receive access to every recording after the conference.
Review all workshop descriptions here. Review all paper descriptions here.


+ Pastoral Leadership for Intergenerational Ministry led by Cory Seibel, PhD, ThM
+ Honoring Our Treasures: Elder-Youth Interconnectedness – Lessons from Diverse Cultural Perspectives led by Elizabeth Tamez Mendez, PhD
+ Build a Team and Let the Spirit Lead:  Adventures in Cross+Generational Faith Formation in Small Churches led by Breen Sipes, MDiv
+ Lessons in Intergenerational Justice - A Sankofa Experiment led by Reginald Smith, PhD
+ Intergenerational Ministry For Children's Sake led by Wes Gallagher, MDiv
+ Growing Faith in Messy Church led by Roberta Egli, MDiv, and Johannah Myers, MDiv, DMin

+ Systematic Review of DMin Theses and PhD Dissertations on Intergenerational Ministry, 2011-2020 led by Holly Allen, PhD
+ Childhood Intergenerational Experiences that Contribute to Christian Commitment in Young Adulthood led by Stacey Davis, PhD
+ Honoring the Original Image: A Creational Theology for Intergenerational Ministry led by Wilson McCoy, DMin

children’s spirituality

+ Listening to Children on Race: Telling Stories led by Anthony Peterson, MA
+ Teaching Emotions to Children as a Healthy Spiritual Practice led by Carie Whittaker
+ Mining for God in the Hebrew Scriptures led by Catherine Maresca
+ Worshipping God with Children led by Elaine Austin and Sally Selzer

+ Missing Church? Children’s Perceptions of Church Before, In, and Beyond COVID led by Dana Kennamer, PhD
+ The God of the Child: Trauma and Spirituality led by Esther Zimmerman, PhD
+ Theology and Child Abuse: Child Safety and Vulnerability in the Midst of Religious Institutions led by Stacey Wilson