Monday, May 24, 2pm
choose from these workshops and papers

If you choose the Enhanced or Team registration, you’ll also have access to every recording after the conference.
Review all workshop offerings here. Review all paper presentations here.

intergenerate workshops

An Introduction to Intergenerational Worship led by Sarah Bentley Allred
Better Together: How Intergenerational Teams Can Strengthen Your Ministry led by Jessica Stollings-Holder
Rebuilding Community through Intergenerational Retreats led by Liz Perraud
Facilitating a Church Story Scrapbook in 30 Minutes led by Valerie Grissom, DWS

Intergenerate Papers

Ludicity and Theology: Exploring Some Theological Foundations of Intergenerational Ministry led by Gareth Crispin, MA, PhD candidate
Apprenticing Faith Together: Helping Adults Understand Discipleship and Their Role in Intergenerational Community led by Johannah Myers, DMin
Building Ramps Instead of Stairs: Universal Design in Planning Intergenerational Worship led by Robert Pendergraft, PhD

children’s spirituality workshops

Imaginative Prayer: You Can Be a Guide to Your Child's Spiritual Formation led by Jared Patrick Boyd
“Kids Today Just Can't..." Reframing our Posture and Practices as We Welcome Children with Challenging Behavior led by Dana Kennamer and Suzetta Nutt
Engaging Children in Worship led by Mimi Larson
Take, Bless, Break, and Give: A Four-fold Experiential Process for Spiritual Formation and Imaginative Engagement in Children’s Ministries led by Sarah Barnett
A Holy Shift: From Morality-Centered to Jesus-Centered Teaching
led by Natalie Frisk
Neighborly Advice: Applying a Mr. Roger's Neighborhood Approach to an Intergenerational Audience led by Kevin Johnson

Children’s Spirituality Papers

Exploring Predictors of Children’s Relationship with God in the Christian Church led by Heather Ingersoll, PhD
Advocating the Value of Young Children’s Spiritual Nurture led by Karin Middleton, MAT, MEd
The “Ugly Pumpkin” and Other Lessons for Nurturing Children’s Emergent Spirituality in a Garden Setting led by Sandra Ludlow, MEd, Karyn Cameron, MEd, and Bev Christian, MEd